Hitch Hiking,
I stayed 5 days in Airlie Becah and it's an awesome place. I met a few friends and visited the Withsunday Islands with Lion, our Kayak Guide who we met in Agnes Water before. If you're interested in Kayaking in Airlie Beach, go and see 'Salty Dog Sea Kayaking'. Lion is an awesome guide.http://www.saltydog.com.au/
Night life:
Magnums: Get a 9$ Pincher.
Tattoos at Airlie Ink:
this is one sort of way of traveling. It depends on the countries how safe it is but it was pretty easy in Australia (please note: it is forbidden in some places).
There are a few places I know where it's easy and safe, e.g. Europe (France, Holland, Germany, Spain, Portugal!!). It's very common in Morocco as well.
I hitch hiked a few times from the farm in NSW where I worked back to the place I stayed. Only short distances.
It was a distance of 700km to go, from Agnes Water to Airlie Beach. I know lots of friends doing it, I know people who said it's dangerous but they never have done it before. I was curious and never have done it before either and that's why I did it. Lara from Holland was with me and we had a good time together. It took us 12-14h to get there. We had 4 cars and 2 Trucks. It was freakin awesome! Only Aussies picked us up and it was safe. Never had to worried about anything. It's your own choice if you want to hop in or not. There were great stories and I would do it again!
(going NORTH)
My tips for Airlie Beach:
One3 Café (Vegan and Paleo Friendly)
Bohemian Raw (Paleo, Vegan and Vegetarian): Order the Fruit Bowl, it's beautiful!
Barcelona (Nice Ribs and Seafood!!)
Every Saturday, there is a beautiful Market where you can find fresh Fruits Vegetables, Cristals, Tie-Dye, Music, Icecream and Art.
Magnums: Get a 9$ Pincher.
Sailing and Whiteheaven Beach:
Go and see Rich at Gypsy Travel!
Go and see Rich at Gypsy Travel!
He will choose the perfect Trip for you (because there are so may). If you want party, high-end or just a nice cruise with a beautiful ship, there are tours for everyone.
Tattoos at Airlie Ink:
Chris is a very cool Artist and his work is awesome.
(Gypsy Tattoo, thanks Rich!)
There will be another blog of Arlie Beach and the Withsundays coming soon. Flo